Uyongʉ Yata'uyungana陳唐山
Mark Chen蘇嘉全
Su Jia-chyuan廖了以
Liao Liou-yi金門県長
List of county magistrates of Kinmen陳明文
Chen Ming-wen雲林県長
Magistrates of Yunlin County華阿財
List of county magistrates of Chiayi宜蘭県長
List of county magistrates of Yilan彰化県長
List of county magistrates of Changhua新竹県長
List of county magistrates of Hsinchu台東県長
List of county magistrates of Taitung南投県長
List of county magistrates of Nantou苗栗県長
List of county magistrates of Miaoli澎湖県長
List of county magistrates of Penghu李進勇
Lee Chin-yung連江県長
List of county magistrates of Lienchiang郭栄宗
Kuo Jung-tsung花蓮県長
List of county magistrates of Hualien魏明谷
Wei Ming-ku許智傑
Hsu Chih-chieh蘇治芬
Su Chih-fen台湾省長
Helen Chang張宏陸
Chang Hung-lu陳欧珀
Chen Ou-po屏東県長
List of county magistrates of Pingtung