Nankai megathrust earthquakes▲7 trends兵庫県南部地震
Great Hanshin earthquake▲6 trends東北地方太平洋沖地震
2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami▲3 trends昭和南海地震
1946 Nankai earthquake▲3 trends宝永地震
1707 Hōei earthquake▲3 trends福岡県西方沖地震
2005 Fukuoka earthquake▲2 trends岩手・宮城内陸地震
2008 Iwate–Miyagi Nairiku earthquake▲1 trends釧路沖地震
1993 Kushiro earthquake▼-1 trends濃尾地震
1891 Mino–Owari earthquake▲1 trends福井地震
1948 Fukui earthquake▲1 trends北海道南西沖地震
1993 Okushiri earthquake▲1 trends明治三陸地震
1896 Sanriku earthquake▲1 trends東南海地震
Tōnankai earthquakes東海地震
Tōkai earthquakes▲1 trends超巨大地震
▲1 trends南海地震
Nankai earthquakes▲1 trends四川大地震
2008 Sichuan earthquake白鳳地震
684 Hakuhō earthquake▲1 trends鳥取県西部地震
2000 Tottori earthquake▲1 trends鳥取地震
1943 Tottori earthquake巨大地震
1933 Sanriku earthquake▲1 trends相模トラフ巨大地震
1978 Izu Ōshima earthquake921大地震
1999 Jiji earthquake日本海中部地震
1983 Sea of Japan earthquake北丹後地震
1927 North Tango earthquakeアッサム・チベット地震
1950 Assam–Tibet earthquake