Sino-Vietnamese War▲1 trends侵華日軍南京大屠殺遇難同胞紀念館
Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders卓琳
Zhuo Lin英中共同声明
Sino-British Joint Declaration現代中国の父 鄧小平
Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China旗幟鮮明に動乱に反対せよ
April 26 Editorial建国以来の党の若干の歴史問題についての決議
Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party since the Founding of the People's Republic of China鄧小平故居
Former residence of Deng Xiaoping渡江戦役
Yangtze River Crossing campaign小康社会
Moderately prosperous society先富論
Deng Xiaoping Theory四つの基本原則
Four Cardinal Principles汪東興
Wang Dongxing中国共産党第十一期中央委員会第三回全体会議
3rd plenary session of the 11th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party八大元老
Eight Elders南巡講話
Deng Xiaoping's southern tour四つの近代化
Four Modernizations第一次国共内戦
Hong Kong 97 (video game)香港返還
Handover of Hong Kongトロイカ体制
Cat theory (Deng Xiaoping)韜光養晦
Taoguang Yanghui一国二制度
One country, two systems中越国境紛争
Sino-Vietnamese conflicts (1979–1991)日本国と中華人民共和国との間の平和友好条約
Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and China四五天安門事件
1976 Tiananmen incident