Dhofar Liberation Frontトルコ共産党
Communist Party of Turkey (modern)カザフスタン共産党
Communist Party of Kazakhstanイラク共産党
Iraqi Communist Party労働人民進歩党
Progressive Party of Working Peopleオマーン解放人民戦線
Popular Front for the Liberation of Omanアゼルバイジャン共産党
Azerbaijan Communist Party (1920)占領下アラブ湾岸解放人民戦線
Popular Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulfアフガニスタン共産党
Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistanアフガニスタン人民民主党
People's Democratic Party of Afghanistanタジキスタン共産党
Communist Party of Tajikistanパレスチナ人民党
Palestinian People's Partyアフガニスタン解放機構
Afghanistan Liberation Organizationレバノン共産党
Lebanese Communist Partyパレスチナ解放民主戦線
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestineイエメン社会党
Yemeni Socialist Partyウズベキスタン共産党
Communist Party of Uzbekistanイスラエル共産党
Maki (political party)