TharnType: The SeriesタイBL
2gether (タイのテレビドラマ)
2gether (Thai TV series)A Tale of Thousand Stars
A Tale of Thousand StarsBe My Favorite
Dark Blue Kiss 〜僕のキスは君だけに〜
Dark Blue KissEnchanté (タイのテレビドラマ)
Enchanté (TV series)He's Coming To Me〜清明節、彼は僕のお墓の隣にやってきた
He's Coming to MeLovely Writer The Series
Lovely Writer: The SeriesMidnight Series:Moonlight Chicken
Never Let Me Go (タイのテレビドラマ)
Never Let Me Go (TV series)Our Skyy
Our SkyySOTUS S The Series
SOTUS S: The SeriesStill 2gether
Still 2getherThe Eclipse (タイのテレビドラマ)
The Eclipse (TV series)Theory of Love
Theory of Love (TV series)VICE VERSA
Why R U ?
Why R U?I Told Sunset About You 〜僕の愛を君の心で訳して〜
I Told Sunset About YouI Promised You the Moon 〜僕の愛を君の心で訳して〜
Until We Meet Again〜運命の赤い糸〜
Until We Meet Again (TV series)Cause You're My Boy
'Cause You're My BoyStar and Sky
Star in My MindTharnType2 -7Years of Love-
TharnType 2: 7 Years of LoveTonhon Chonlatee
Tonhon ChonlateeNOT ME
Not Me (TV series)Bad Buddy series
Bad BuddyFish Upon the Sky
Fish upon the Sky