Yellow Turban Rebellion官渡の戦い
Battle of Guandu▲1 trends陽人の戦い
Battle of Fancheng夷陵の戦い
Battle of Xiaoting白狼山の戦い
Battle of White Wolf Mountain襄陽の戦い
Battle of Xiangyang (191)博望坡の戦い
Battle of Bowang長坂の戦い
Battle of Changban陽平関の戦い
Battle of Yangping陳倉の戦い
Siege of Chencang蜀漢の滅亡
Conquest of Shu by Wei倉亭の戦い
Battle of Cangting白馬の戦い
Battle of Boma潼関の戦い
Battle of Tong Pass芍陂の役
Battle of Quebei祁山の戦い
Battle of Mount Qi張純の乱
Wang Ling's Rebellion宛城の戦い
War between Cao Cao and Zhang Xiu孫策の江東平定
Sun Ce's conquests in Jiangdong馬相の乱
Template:Campaignbox 三国時代 (中国)
Template:Campaignbox Three Kingdoms呉の滅亡 (三国)
Conquest of Wu by Jin洞浦の戦い
北伐 (諸葛亮)
Zhuge Liang's Northern Expeditions子午の役
Ziwu Campaign東興の戦い
Battle of Dongxing