Site of the First National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party中国共産党第十九回全国代表大会
19th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party中国共産党第一次全国代表大会
1st National Congress of the Chinese Communist PartyTemplate:中国共産党全国代表大会
Template:National meetings of the Chinese Communist Party中国共産党第十七回全国代表大会
17th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party中国共産党第十八回全国代表大会
18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party中国共産党第二十回全国代表大会
20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party中国共産党全国代表大会
National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party胡錦濤中国共産党大会途中退席事件
Hu Jintao removal incident