I Just Can't Breathe...
I Just Can't Breathe...I'm Gonna SCREAM+
I'm Gonna ScreamI'M SO SORRY BABY
I'm So Sorry BabyI'M YOUR DEVIL
I Love XmasAsh Like Snow
Ash Like SnowUnlimited Sky
Unlimited SkyWait till I can dream
Wait till I Can DreamEnemy
Enemy (The Brilliant Green song)EVERYDAY AT THE BUS STOP
Everyday at the Bus StopL・O・V・E・L・Y 〜夢見るLOVELY BOY〜
Lovely (Yumemiru Lovely Boy)Angel song -イヴの鐘-
Angel Song (Eve no Kane)Oh My God♥
Kiss One More TimeGoodbye and good luck
Goodbye and Good Luck (song)CALL MY NAME (JAPANESE VERSION)
Call My Name (The Brilliant Green song)Je t'aime★je t'aime
Je t'aime je t'aimeStand by me (the brilliant greenの曲)
Stand by Me (The Brilliant Green song)There will be love there -愛のある場所-
There Will Be Love There (Ai no Aru Basho)Bye Bye Mr. Mug
Bye Bye Mr. MugBYE! MY BOY!
Bye! My Boy!Hello Another Way -それぞれの場所-
Hello Another Way (Sorezore no Basho)BE MY VALENTINE
Forever to me 〜終わりなき悲しみ〜
Forever to Me (Owarinaki Kanashimi)Blue Daisy
Blue Daisy (song)Pray (Tommy heavenly6の曲)
Pray (Tomoko Kawase song)Hey my friend
Hey My FriendHeavy Starry Chain
Heavy Starry Chain