Gradation (album)20th Anniversary B-side collection
20th Anniversary B-side collectionUnlimited (工藤静香のアルバム)
Unlimited (Shizuka Kudo album)She Best of Best
She: Best of BestShizuka Kudo 20th Anniversary the Best
Shizuka Kudo 20th Anniversary the BestSuper Best (工藤静香のアルバム)
Super Best (Shizuka Kudo album)HARVEST (工藤静香のアルバム)
Harvest (Shizuka Kudo album)Best of Ballade "Empathy"
Best of Ballade: EmpathyBest of Ballade カレント
Best of Ballade: CurrentMYこれ!クション 工藤静香BEST
Shizuka Kudo BestMy Treasure Best -中島みゆき×後藤次利コレクション-
My Treasure Best: Miyuki Nakajima × Tsugutoshi Gotō CollectionMy Heartful Best -松井五郎コレクション-
My Heartful Best: Gorō Matsui Collectionミレニアム・ベスト (工藤静香のアルバム)
Millennium BestMy Favorite Songs 〜Original Best〜
Intimate (Shizuka Kudo album)