Jangsu of Goguryeo故国川王
Gogukcheon of Goguryeo大武神王
Daemusin of Goguryeo故国原王
Gogugwon of Goguryeo東川王
Dongcheon of Goguryeo文咨明王
Munjamyeong of Goguryeo慕本王
Mobon of Goguryeo小獣林王
Sosurim of Goguryeo安原王
Anwon of Goguryeo陽原王
Yangwon of Goguryeo中川王
Jungcheon of Goguryeo安臧王
Anjang of Goguryeo太王
Sindae of Goguryeo閔中王
Minjung of Goguryeo美川王
Micheon of Goguryeo西川王
Seocheon of Goguryeo栄留王
Yeongnyu of Goguryeo次大王
Chadae of Goguryeo烽上王
Bongsang of Goguryeo宝蔵王
Bojang of Goguryeo故国壌王
Gogugyang of Goguryeo瑠璃明王
Yuri of Goguryeo嬰陽王
Yeongyang of Goguryeo山上王
Sansang of Goguryeo太祖大王
Taejo of Goguryeo平原王
Pyeongwon of Goguryeo高句麗王の一覧