Similar to Spotlight_(Apple)
Spotlight (Apple)
Spotlight (Apple)Mac OS X v10.4
Mac OS X TigerSecure Enclave
Secure EnclaveAirDrop
AirPrintApple Books
Apple BooksApple Intelligence
Apple IntelligenceApple Push Notification Service
Apple Push Notification serviceAutomator
Automator (macOS)AVFoundation
AVFoundationCore Animation
Core AnimationCover Flow
Cover FlowIMessage
IMessageMetal (API)
Metal (API)メモ (Apple)
Notes (Apple)Objective-C
WebKitApple Account
Apple AccountApple Configurator
Apple ConfiguratorApple File System
Apple File SystemApple Pay
Apple PayApple Podcast
Apple PodcastsAppleでサインイン
Sign in with AppleAirPlay
AirPlayカレンダー (Apple)
Calendar (Apple)計算機 (Apple)
Calculator (Apple)Game Center
Game Center