Similar to THE_LONGING
The LongingAER Memories of Old
Aer: Memories of OldVampire Survivors
Vampire SurvivorsGone Home
Gone HomeAgent A - 偽装のパズル
Agent A: A Puzzle in DisguiseISLANDERS (ゲーム)
Islanders (video game)Cloudpunk
CloudpunkA Short Hike
A Short HikeUnturned
UnturnedIf Found...
If Found...オーシャンホーン - 未知の海にひそむかい物
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seasカニノケンカ -Fight Crab-
Fight CrabKeen: One Girl Army
World of GooGRIS
GrisThe Escapists
The EscapistsARK: Survival Evolved
Ark: Survival EvolvedUNDERTALE
Undertale▲1 trendsGuns of Mercy
I Am Bread
I Am BreadIconoclasts
Iconoclasts (video game)Outer Wilds
Outer Wildsアカネ (ゲーム)
UnepicUntitled Goose Game 〜いたずらガチョウがやって来た!〜
Untitled Goose GameAegis Defenders
Aegis DefendersInto the Breach
Into the BreachEvan's Remains