Similar to Vrms
Alien (ソフトウェア)
Alien (file converter)DebConf
Debian ConferenceCdrkit
CdrkitDebian Almquist shell
Debian Almquist shellAlioth (Debian)
Alioth (Debian)Debian GNU/Hurd
Debian Free Software GuidelinesEmbedded GLIBC
Embedded GLIBCSoftware in the Public Interest
Software in the Public Interestウィヘルト・アッカーマン
Apache Avalon
Apache Axis
Apache AxisApache Axis2
Apache Axis2Apache Cordova
Apache CordovaApache Geronimo
Apache GeronimoApache Hadoop
Apache HadoopApache Hive
Apache HiveApache James
Apache JamesApache Maven
Apache MavenApache OpenNLP
Apache OpenNLPApache POI
Apache POIApache Velocity
Apache VelocityAptitude
Aptitude (software)Asahi Linux
Asahi LinuxAviSynth
AviSynthDebconf (ソフトウェアパッケージ)
Debian configuration systemDebian社会契約
Debian Social Contract