Similar to もう一度キスしたかった
MOTEL (B'zの曲)
Motel (song)ALONE (B'zの曲)
Alone (B'z song)愛しい人よGood Night...
Itoshii Hitoyo Good Night…永遠の翼 (B'zの曲)
Eien no TsubasaOCEAN (B'zの曲)
Ocean (B'z song)Calling (B'zの曲)
Calling (B'z song)GOLD (B'zの曲)
Gold (B'z song)今夜月の見える丘に
Kon'ya Tsuki no Mieru Oka niDon't Leave Me (B'zの曲)
Don't Leave Me (B'z song)May (B'zの曲)
May (song)RING (B'zの曲)
Ring (B'z song)愛のバクダン
Ai no Bakudan愛のままにわがままに 僕は君だけを傷つけない
Ai no mama ni Wagamama ni Boku wa Kimi dake o Kizutsukenai熱き鼓動の果て
Atsuki Kodō no HateARIGATO (B'zの曲)
Arigato (B'z song)Easy Come, Easy Go!
Easy Come, Easy Go!イチブトゼンブ/DIVE
Ichibu to Zenbu/DiveIT'S SHOWTIME!!
It's Showtime! (B'z song)イルミネーション (B'zの曲)
有頂天 (B'zの曲)
UchōtenUltra soul
Ultra SoulCOMEBACK -愛しき破片-
Kimi no Naka de Odoritaiギリギリchop
Giri Giri ChopGO FOR IT, BABY -キオクの山脈-
Go for It, Baby (Kioku no Sanmyaku)孤独のRunaway