Similar to クロノス・グループ
ASTM InternationalIEEE Computer Society
IEEE Computer SocietyACGME
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical EducationADRA
Adventist Development and Relief AgencyIEEE
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers1964年東京オリンピック
1964 Summer Olympics▲3 trends37signals
37signalsAssociation for Computing Machinery
Association for Computing MachineryBRAC
BRAC (organisation)1349
1349 (band)Association for Standardisation of Automation and Measuring Systems
Association for Standardisation of Automation and Measuring SystemsEcmaインターナショナル
Ecma InternationalIEEE Standards Association
IEEE Standards AssociationInternet Engineering Task Force
Internet Engineering Task ForceIPC (エレクトロニクス)
IPC (electronics)JEDEC
RosettaNetSAE International
SAE InternationalDistributed Management Task Force
Distributed Management Task ForceFIDO Alliance
FIDO Alliance米国国家規格協会
American National Standards InstituteLWJGL
LWJGLMobile 3D Graphics API
Mobile 3D Graphics APIOpen Inventor
Open InventorOpenGL ES
OpenGL ESOpenSceneGraph