(n) syneresis
(v5u,vi) to be present
to be witness to
(v5u,vi) to be matched against
(v5u,vi) to drift along
(v5u) to plunder
(adj-na) looking good
(of) good appearance
(n) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
(v5u,vi) to adjoin each other
to sit side by side
(v5u) to vie with another
to emulate each other
(exp) to thank
(v5u,vt) to miss
to yearn for
(v5u,vi) to be man and wife
to be married to
(exp,v5u) that's not what you said (before)
that's not what was promised
(v5u,vt) to discuss
to talk together
(n) (1) arm wrestling
Indian wrestling
(2) sumo wrestling relying on brute strength (of the arms), rather than skill
(v5u,vi) to snarl
to quarrel
(v5u,vt) (uk) to sneer at
to ridicule
(v5u) to laugh to scorn
(v5u,vi) to toady
to be obsequious
(v5u,vt) to jostle
to shove and push
to struggle with one another
(v5u,vi) to be(come) intertwined
to be entangled
(v5u,vi) to clash
to be in conflict with
(v5u,vi) to glare at each other
(v5u,vi) to glare at each other
(v5u,vi) to feel shy
to be bashful
to blush
(v5u) to devour greedily
(n) cyclothymia
(n,adj-no) manic depression
manic-depressive psychosis
bipolar disorder
(n,adj-no) manic depression
manic-depressive psychosis
bipolar disorder
(v5u) to engage in (mutual) competition