(v1) to transplant
to reset
(v1,vt) to plant
(exp) to sit down
(v1) to impress
to charm
(v1,vt) to change
to make up for
(v1,vt) to add to what has been said
(exp) to serve God
(v5r,vi) to tremble violently
to shudder up
(exp) to cross swords (with)
(v1,vi) to be utterly spent or crushed
(v5s) to count again
(v1) to miscount
to count wrongly (e.g. pages)
(v1,vt) to count up
to enumerate
(v1,vt) to enumerate
to count up
(exp) to make up the number
to have a complete set of
(v1,vt) to install
to equip
to mount
(v1,vt) to install
to equip
to mount
(v1,vt) to switch (secretly)
to substitute
to sidestep (an issue)
(n) correct answer
(v1) to teethe
(v1) to teethe
(v1) to teethe
(v5r) to be replaced with new growth
(v1,vt) to transship
(v1,vt) to change
to exchange
to convert
to renew
to throw a switch
to replace
to switch over
(n) (1) time to switch over
(2) (comp) response time
(n) (1) time to switch over
(2) (comp) response time
(v1) to cut down an enemy
(v1) to cut and prepare (stones)
(v1,vt) to cut and even up
to cut several pieces to the same size