(n) debit
pulling (one's opponent) down
frontal pull-down (in Sumo)
(v5s,vt) to pull down
to automatically debit (from a bank account)
(v1,vt) to favour
to favor
to promote
to march (a prisoner off)
to support
(n) person who makes someone else appear better
(v1,vt) to detain
to check
to restrain
(v1,vt) to take along with
(v5r,vi) to stay indoors
to be confined indoors
(n) (1) a shut-in
a stay-at-home
people who withdraw from society (e.g. retire to the country)
(2) social withdrawal
shunning other people
(v5r,vi) to stay indoors
to be confined indoors
(n) burr (prickly seeds or seedheads that stick to fur and clothes)
(v5s,vt) to ransack (a drawer)
to rummage
to stir up (mud)
to throw into confusion
to tamper with
(n) spiral galaxy
(n) whirling or spiral pattern
(oK) (v1,vt) (1) to dam up
to hold back
to keep back
to bring to a halt
to intercept
(2) to check
(n) depth perception
(n) (comp) depth cueing
(n) (comp) down arrow
(n) (comp) subscript
(exp) before anything else
first of all
(n) daughter of the home
unmarried woman who owns (the future rights to) a home
(exp,v5r) to start (an argument, a battle, etc.)
(v5s,vt) (1) to disentangle
to unravel
(2) to relax someone
(v5s,vt) to explain
to dispel doubts
(n) aimed at foreigners
(v1,vi) to have a coughing fit
to sob convulsively
(n) constant quarreling
constant quarrelling
(n) being devoted
spending all one's time and energy on
(n) discount coupon or ticket
(n) snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina)
(adj-i) fast drying (clothes)