(v5r) to sing energetically
to sing with abandon
(vk) to return
to come back
(v5r,vt) to pound away
to hit at random
to hit ceaselessly
(vk) (1) I'm off
see you later
(2) to go (and then come back)
(exp) to underrate
to make light of
(vk) to bring
(exp,v5r) to crow at the break of dawn (of a rooster, etc.)
to mark the dawn
to proclaim the dawn
(vk) to fetch
to go and get
(v5r,vt) to write (to someone)
(v5r,vt) to dash off
to write freely
(exp) to abandon a humble attitude and get on one's high horse
suddenly to assume an antagonistic attitude
(exp) to abandon a humble attitude and get on one's high horse
suddenly to assume an antagonistic attitude
(v5r,vi) to blow about
to blow along
to brag
(v5r,vt) to pound away
to hit at random
to hit ceaselessly
(v5r) to disperse
to chase away
(v5r,vt) to bind firmly
to superintend
to bring to a finish
(v5r,vt) to bedaub (with paint)
to besmear
to paint heavily
(vk) (uk) to follow
to come along with one
to accompany
(exp) to prepare oneself for the worst
to strengthen one's resolve
(v5r,vi) to keep silent
(v5k,vi) to dazzle
to blind
(vk) to come back
(exp,vk) to come and stay
to drop in
to visit
(vk) to bring someone along
(exp) (rkb:) don`t worry - be happy
(adj-f) pungent
(v1) to lump together
to include
(v5r) to sob
(v1,vt) to explain away (e.g. unpleasant evidence)
(exp) to give a blunt answer