(v1,vt) to tell
to talk to
(v5u) to go into a huddle
(v1) to rub together
(v5m) to be broad-minded enough to associate with various types of people
to possess a capacious mind
(v1) to heap with
to assort
(exp) in a subdued voice
(v1) to join or patch together
(v1,vt) to explain
to reason
(v1) to join together
to combine
to join up
(n) combination lock
(exp,v1) to leave something to someone's imagination (e.g. I'll leave that to your imagination)
(v1,vt) to adjust
to arrange
(exp) Forgive me (very formal)
(exp) to synchronise the breathing with the opponent prior to the start of sumo match
(v1) to pant
to gasp
to be short of breath
to be excited
(exp) to lose one's footing
to slip
(v1,vt) (1) to knock together
(2) to arrange (e.g. a meeting)
(v1) to rendezvous
to meet at a prearranged place and time
to arrange to meet
(v1) to rendezvous
to meet at a prearranged place and time
to arrange to meet
(exp) I waited a long time, but ...
(n) dress-up doll
(exp,v1) to forebode
to have a presentiment
(v1) to paste together
(v1) to come across
to happen upon
(v1) to bind together
(v1) to paste together
(v1) to bring together
to unite
(v1,vi) to escape
(v1,vt) to read out and compare or collate
(v1,vt) to read aloud to another