(exp) to deal with a situation
to take charge of an affair
(v5r,vi) to be far apart
to be remote
to be quite different
(v5r) to hit
to run into
to light on
to strike into
to come against
to deadlock
(v5r) to hit
to run into
to light on
to strike into
to come against
to deadlock
(v5r,vi) to face the situation
(n) the most extreme
(exp,v5r) to accurately guess what subjects will turn up on a test
to have one's predictions turn out correct
(n) disastrous scene
(v5r,vi) to come to mind
to recall
to think of
(v5r) to treat badly
(v5r) to treat badly
(exp) to hit the bull's-eye
to go as expected
(v5r) (1) to slam into (e.g. a wall, a limit) (figuratively)
to hit
(2) to face (e.g. trouble, a problem)
to confront
(v5r) to run into
to collide with
(v5r,vi) (1) to stay long
to hang around
to hang out
(2) to be immersed
to be soaked
to seep in
(exp) to undertake a duty
(exp) (1) (uk) to incur divine punishment
to pay for one's sins
(int) (2) You'll pay for that!
What goes around, comes around
(exp) having one's inning
being on duty
(exp) to be exposed to wind
(adj-f) expected to arrive (occur) in the near future
(n) idle thoughts
vague (loose) ideas
(exp) to be a leader among leaders
(exp) to hit the bull's-eye
(adj-f) splendidly handsome
(exp,v5r) to cover a lot of ground
to include a lot of topics
(as adjectival phrase) wide-ranging
(adj-f) long (used with period of time)
for a long time
(n) lofty tree
(n) soldier of dauntless courage
(exp) to come to believe
(exp) to stray from the path of righteousness