(v1,vt) to summon
to get used to call
(v1) to taste
to try (food or drink)
(v1,vt) to engrave
to carve out
(v1,vt) to point (gun at)
to hold under one's nose
(v1) to build in
(v1,vt) (1) to rub against
to nuzzle against (e.g. dog nosing a person)
(2) to strike (a match)
(v1,vt) (1) to rub against
to nuzzle against (e.g. dog nosing a person)
(2) to strike (a match)
(v1,vt) to blame another
(v1,vt) to lay
to spawn
(v1,vt) to cut at
to slash at
(v1,vt) to sow (seeds)
(v1,vt) to rebuke
to scold harshly
(v1) (1) to fascinate
to attract
to charm
to pull up (at a gate)
(v1,vt) to furnish
to install
to get someone's agreement
(exp,v1) (1) to (start) work on
(2) to embezzle
to use (money obtained in illegal fashion)
(v1,vt) to be accepted
to receive (an application)
(v1) to kick (at someone, something)
(v1,vt) to write down
(v1,vt) to bake
to plate
to print
to burn or bake into
to burn into one's memory
(v1,vi) to blaze down on
to beat down on
to shine down upon
(v1,vi) (1) to ride up to
to drive up to
(2) to get used to riding
to get used to driving
(v1,vt) to decorate
to display
(v1,vt) to plant
(exp) to shade an account
to add something extra
(v1,vt) to be used to eating
(v1,vt) to order
to instruct
(exp) (1) to learn
to acquire knowledge
(2) to carry
to wear (clothes, etc.)
to put on
(v1,vt) to blow against
to spray (paint, etc.) (onto a surface)
(v1,vt) to install
to equip
to mount
(v1,vt) to lay
to spawn