(exp) the anxiety that comes from doing nothing is worse than any danger you might face
(exp) (id) Fear overruns the danger
(exp) truth is stranger than fiction
(exp) (id) Everyone is the son of his own works
(exp) (id) A foster parent is dearer than a real parent
(exp) expression meaning that genius shows from childhood (lit: the Japanese bead tree is fragrant from when a sprout)
(exp) (id) Nothing costs so much as what is given us
(n) (comp) less than or equal to (<=)
(n) (comp) greater than or equal to (>=)
(exp) truth is stranger than fiction
(exp) (id) A little leak will sink a great ship
(exp) (id) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
(exp) (id) A neighbour is better than a relative living far
(exp) Although blue dye comes from the indigo plant, it is bluer than indigo
The student has overcome the master (from whom he has learned)
(exp) (id) Mind your own business