(v1,vt) to furnish
to install
to get someone's agreement
(v1) to kick (at someone, something)
(v1,vi) to blaze down on
to beat down on
to shine down upon
(v1,vi) (1) to ride up to
to drive up to
(2) to get used to riding
to get used to driving
(v1,vt) to decorate
to display
(v1,vt) to dish up
(v1,vt) to cut at
to slash at
(v1,vt) to parch
to roast
to broil
to scorch
(v1,vt) to send
(v1) to build in
(v1,vt) to attach to a flat surface with glue
to paste
to stick
to affix
(v1,vt) to carve (design)
(v5k,vi) to coil about
to follow about
(v5k,vi) to coil about
to follow about
(v1,vt) to attach to a flat surface with glue
to paste
to stick
to affix
(v1,vt) to daub
to smear
(n) (1) blotting out
(2) (comp) fill (in graphics)
(v5s,vt) to paint out
(v1,vt) to palm off
to force a sale
(v1,vt) to tie
(v1,vt) (1) to rub against
to nuzzle against (e.g. dog nosing a person)
(2) to strike (a match)
(v5s,vt) to pulverize
to pulverise
to mash
to deface
to lose a fortune
(exp,n) to go up and down or back and forth
(exp,n) to go up and down or back and forth
(v1) to become obsessed with
to be possessed (by spirits, etc.)
to be obsessive compulsive (OCD)
(v1,vt) to shout at
(v5k) to jump into the fray
(adj-no,exp) very polite
most gracious
(n) (comp) area filling
(exp) (to get something done) even if through hell and high water