(exp,v5k) to draw lots
(v5g) to be superstitious
(exp) to withdraw from the presence (of the Emperor)
(exp) to manipulate figures to one's advantage
(exp) serves you right!
see what happens!
(exp) to put on coquettish airs
to act flirtatiously
to act kittenish
(exp) to feign ignorance
to pretend to be ignorant of
to play innocent
to brazen it out
(exp,v5r) to break a dam and gush forth
to burst out
(exp) to bungle
to make a blunder
(exp) to commit a blunder
(exp) to be ready to cry
to be on the point of tears
(exp) to regret bitterly
to be very sorry (for)
(exp) to boast
to brag
(exp) to reveal the faults
(exp) (1) to speak (of something)
(2) to be effective
to be powerful
to mean everything
(adv) unavoidably
against one's will
(exp) "Bon voyage!"
"Have a nice trip!"
(exp) to get back together again
to be reconciled
(exp) based on
built on
made from
(exp) based on
built on
made from
(exp) based on
built on
made from
(exp) based on
built on
made from
(exp) (col) to throw up
to spew
(exp) (comp) to dump core
to dump memory contents
(exp,v5k) to knock or scare (someone) out of his or her wits
to strike a person dumb
to dumbfound
to take (someone) aback
(exp) to pretend
(exp,v5m) to form a pair (pairs)
to partner
(exp) (col) to jerk off
to masturbate
(exp,v5r) to apply furigana
(exp) to punish the wicked