(exp) to sit for an examination
(exp) to have a qualification (for)
(exp) to qualify (as)
to have the qualifications (for ...)
to be entitled to
to have a claim (for)
(exp) to bear up in tragedy
to stand pain well
to hold one's temper
(exp) to survive without problems
to manage to avoid further problems
(exp) to falsify a fact
(exp) to investigate the facts
(exp) to survive without problems
to manage to avoid further problems
(exp) to spend time (on doing something)
(exp) to spend time (on doing something)
(exp) to make oneself available (free)
(exp) punctual person
(exp) to value time
(exp) (to pay off) in full
(exp) to hold one's ears
(exp) to pedal a bike
(exp) to seize the initiative
(exp) steering to port
(exp) to sit on the edge of one's seat
to be in breathless suspense
(exp,v5k) to fold one's arms
to stand and watch (without interfering)
(exp,v5k) to fold one's arms
to stand and watch (without interfering)
(exp) character representing a hand
(exp,v1) to cause a person trouble
(exp) to take up someone's time
to make work for someone
(exp) to take up someone's time
to make work for someone
(exp) to slack the reins
(exp) to address (direct) a letter to a person
(exp) to attach a letter to
(exp) to take into consideration
to use one's discretion
(exp) to be a burden
to make trouble for someone