(exp) to synchronise the breathing with the opponent prior to the start of sumo match
(exp) to resume breathing
to come around
to come back to life
(v1) to pant
to gasp
to be short of breath
to be excited
(exp,adj-no) breathtaking
(exp,adj-na) breathtaking
(exp) to hold back others from achieving success
to stand in the way of
to sabotage
(exp) to hold back others from achieving success
to stand in the way of
to sabotage
(exp) to lose one's footing
to slip
(exp,v1) (1) to be tripped up
(2) to be too drunk to stand
(exp) to be stranded
to lose means of transportation
(exp) (e.g. to walk, stand, etc., until) one's legs turn to lead
(doing something) until one's legs tire and stiffen
(exp) to trip someone up
to pull the carpet from under
(exp) to ease up the speed
(exp) to slow down
(exp) to arrest (catch) a thief
(exp) to catch a person by the sleeve
(exp) even if one loses
(exp) to damage
to do harm
to disadvantage
(exp) to expose one's thighs
to bare one's buttocks
(exp,v5s) to give the stamp of approval
(exp) to be unreasonable
to whine
to throw a tantrum
(exp) to be unreasonable
to whine
to throw a tantrum
(exp) to be unreasonable
to whine
to throw a tantrum
(exp) to be unreasonable
to whine
to throw a tantrum
(exp,vs-i) working assiduously
(exp,v1) to take measures (against)
to take steps
(exp) to close a bag tight by pulling the drawstring
(exp) to talk through one's hat
to blow one's own horn
(v1) to approach the finale
to come to a close
(exp) to declare impressively