(n) family car
(n) Faraday effect
(n) Faraday constant
(n) farandole (fre:)
(n) farfalle (ita:)
(n) Phalaenopsis (the moth orchid genus) (lat:)
(n) tetralogy of Fallot
(n) function
(n) fan-jet
(adj-na) fantastic (wasei: fantasy-ic)
(n) fan heater
(n) (1) fanfare (ger:)
flourish of trumpets
(2) fun fair
(n) (1) fanfare (ger:)
flourish of trumpets
(2) fun fair
(n) philosopher
(n) fake fur
(n) fake fur
(n) festival
(n) (comp) boot file
(n) boulevard (fre:)
(n) Burkina Faso
(n) privacy
(n) preference
(n) profiler
(n) hedge fund
(n) (comp) header file
(n) Hephaestus (Greek god) (gre: Hephaistos)
(n) (comp) help file
(n) (comp) page file
(n) phosphatase
(n) homo faber (lat:)