(n) cellophane (fre:)
(n) duffer
(n) de facto
(n) (comp) Delphi
(n) Denver
(n) (rkb:) tonfa (traditional Okinawan weapon similar to a nightstick)
(n) (rkb:) tonfa (traditional Okinawan weapon similar to a nightstick)
(n) solfa syllables (do, re, mi, fa, sol (soh), la and si (ti))
(n) (1) Don Juan
(2) womanizer
(n,adj-no) hi-fi
(n) (comp) buffer
(n) (comp) buffer-in (computing term)
(n) pavane (fre:)
(n) piazza
(n) father
(n,adj-no) (1) first
(2) (abbr) first baseman
first base
(3) fast
(n) furnace
(n) farmer
(n) fighter
(n) final
(n) fiber
(n) fire
(n) (comp) filer
(n) (comp) file clause
(n) (comp) file section
(n) (comp) file-name
(n) finder
(n) factor
(n) factory
(n) bassoon (ita: Fagotto)