(n) leads and lags
(n) rhythm and blues (R & B)
(n) rhythm and blues
R and B
(n) (comp) look and feel
(n) wash-and-wear
(n) wash-and-wear
(n) wash-and-wear
(n) (comp) AT&T
(n) (comp) cut and copy function
(n) catch and release (fishing)
(n) scrap and build
(n) checks and balances
(n) trial and error
(n) drag and drop
(n) point and shoot
(exp) miss and out race
(n) Arts and Crafts Movement
(n) cycle and ride system
(exp) point and figure
(n) country and western
(n) country and western
(n) Stars and Stripes
(n) (comp) plug and play BIOS
(n) long and short stitch
(n) (comp) static plug and play