(n) grilled cheese sandwich
grilled cheese
(n) global supply-chain
(n) (comp) global service provider
(n) concrete vibrator
(n) comprehensive layout
(n) golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia)
(n) search and recovery dive
(n) silent infection
(n) (comp) system integration
(n) synchronized swimming
synchronised swimming
(n) (comp) single source supplier
(n) (comp) Jside.com
(n) Japanese English
(n) (comp) screen image buffer
(n) Stars and Stripes
(n) starting lineup
(n) (comp) time sharing system
(exp) (comp) to dismiss a dialog box
(n) (comp) dynamic allocation
(n) dynamic programming
(n) (comp) dynamic relocation
(n) (comp) direct memory access
(n) daily satellite feed
(n) (comp) Digital Equipment
(n) (comp) diskette light
(n) (comp) destination drive
(n) (comp) delta inventory file
(n) transfer pricing
(n) domestic violence
(n) (comp) network byte order