(n) Gospel of Matthew (book of the Bible)
(n) Madeira
(n,adj-no) Malawi
(n) missile
(n) (uk) bigfin reef squid
oval squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana)
(n) (uk) honeyeater (any of a number of long-tongued Australasian songbirds, esp. the cardinal honeyeater, Myzomela cardinalis)
(n) (MA) Muay Thai (tha:)
Thai boxing
(n) mullite
(n) (1) Mayday (call for help)
(2) May Day (May 1st)
(n) (comp) mate system
redundant system
(n) mayor
(n) mailer
(n) Messiah
(n,adj-no) (1) mosaic
(2) pixelated obscuring in images and video, usu. for censorship
(n,adj-f) mobile
(n) (uk) spear squid (Loligo bleekeri)
(n) (comp) UI
(n) (1) leafhopper (insect)
(n) (2) (abbr) sidewinder (Crotalus cerastes)
(3) levelling off
(n) liar
(n) lion
(n) liger (offspring of a male lion and a female tiger)
(n) (comp) Lycos
(n) (1) lighter
(2) writer
(n) rider
(n) litchi (Nephelium litchi)
(n) lightweight
(n,adj-no) liner
line drive (baseball)
(n) (abbr) light novel
(n,adj-no) rival
(n) (1) blotched snakehead (species of fish, Channa maculata)