(n,vs) discussion
(n) de-escalation
(n) troublemaker
(n) natural color
natural colour
(n) nutcracker
(n) knickerbockers
(n) (comp) nickel-cadmium battery
(n) (uk) Japanese brown frog (Rana japonica)
(n) negative color
negative colour
(n) (uk) rat kangaroo (any marsupial of family Potoroidae, inc. bettongs and potoroos)
(n) North Carolina
(n) (uk) ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris)
(n) nonpolitical
(n) hard currency
(n) hybrid car
(n) (uk) naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber)
(n) (uk) Indo-Pacific mantis (Hierodula patellifera)
(n) birthday card
(n) birthday card
(n) bird carving
(n) (uk) (vulg) automatic camera (lit: "camera even idiots and simpletons can use")
(n) (comp) vacuum column
(n) parkerizing
(n) permaculture
sustainable living practices
(n) Pascal's triangle
(n) pattern maker (for clothing)
fashion designer
(n) business college
(n) pithecanthropus (lat:)
(n) pinhole camera
(n) pinhole collar