(n) cadmium orange
(n) cadmium standard cell
(n) Canadian canoe
(n) capitulation
(n) cafe a la creme (fre:)
(n) expresso coffee (ita: caffe espresso)
(n) Neapolitan coffee (ita: caffe napolitano)
(n) angel hair pasta (ita: capelli d'angelo)
(n) camera obscura
(n) camera obscura
(n) color display
colour display
(n) color negative film (colour)
(n) color planning
colour planning
(n) karaoke box
club with individual rooms that can be rented with karaoke machines
(n) (uk) willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus)
(n) colorization
(n) potassium-argon dating
(n) culture shock
(n) culture center
culture centre
(n) (comp) Kalman filter
(n) current topics
(n) country walk
(n) country school
(n) country blues
(n) (1) crib sheet (wasei: cunning paper)
cheat sheet
(2) large sketchbook used during TV filming to notify the cast of special stage direction, relay messages, etc.
(n) company paper
(n) company magazine
(n) company union
(n) (comp) conferencing
(n) garden smoker