(n) air girl
(n) (uk) double weeping rosebud cherry (Prunus pendula)
(adj-na) elegance
(adj-na,n) elegant
(n) (1) (col) crossed fingers and word said to call someone to be avoided as 'dirty' (kids' talk)
(vs) (2) to cross one's fingers (to ward off 'dirt')
(n) August
(n) orgasm (ger: Orgasmus)
(n) organza
(n) oilgas
(n) (uk) chambered nautilus (esp. species Nautilus pompilius)
(n) (uk) Mya arenaria oonogai (subspecies of soft-shell clam)
(n) wood briquet
(n) (uk) northern pintail (Anas acuta)
(n) (uk) thresher shark (esp. the common thresher shark, Alopias vulpinus)
(n) (uk) cercopithecoid (any Old World monkey of family Cercopithecidae, esp. the guenons of genus Cercopithecus)
(n) omega navigation
(n) orgasm (ger: Orgasmus)
(n) organelle (lat: organella)
(n) (uk) Canada goose (Branta canadensis)
(n) cananga oil
ylang-ylang oil
ilang-ilang oil
(n) (uk) cockscomb pearl mussel (Cristaria plicata)
(n) Kaliglas (dut:)
potash glass
(n) Calgary
(n) (uk) brown dipper (Cinclus pallasii)
(n) kangaroo
(n) gargoyle
(n) security guard (wasei: guardman)
(n) garnet
(n) garpike (any fish of family Lepisosteidae)
(n) garbage