(n) (comp) QUICKEN (accounting package)
(n) kraken
(n) cricket (game)
(n) (1) croquet
(2) croquette
(n) croquet (fre:)
(n) cake making
(n) Cajun
(n) caisson disease
(n) caving
(n) (abbr) wellness care
(n) nursing care center
nursing care centre
(n) care plan
(n) Cajun
(n) silicone resin
(exp) What will be, will be (spa: que sera, sera)
(v1) to find fault with
to rain on one's parade
to nitpick
to quibble
(n) ketchup
(n) Quechua (people)
(n) ketch rig
(n) resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno)
(n) ketosis
(n) kenotron
(n) cephalin (ger: Kephalin)
(n) chemistry
(n) Kerama deer
Ryukyu sika (Cervus nippon keramae)
(n) Celtic (branch of languages)
(n) (comp) Kerberos (computer security protocol)
(n) (abbr) kelmet alloy
(n) Japanese raisin tree
hovenia dulcis
(n) (uk) Chinese bamboo partridge (Bambusicola thoracicus)