(n) (comp) CPM
(n) (comp) CPL
(n) (comp) CPU
(n) sheep skin
(n) sheep dog
(n) (comp) C++
C plus plus
(n) Sea-Monkeys (trademarked variant of brine shrimp)
(n) (comp) CUI
(n) (comp) CUG
(n) coelacanth
(n) sealskin
(n) seal set
set of stickers
(n) thread sealing tape (wasei: seal tape)
plumber's tape
(n) shield method
(n) ceilometer
(n) (comp) glibc
(n) gypsy music
(n) spare seat
(n) celery seed
(n) time-sheet
(n) (comp) tack seal
(n) theocracy
(n) tendency
(n) democracy
(n) top scene
(n) transceiver
(n) Debussy
(n) (sl) Disney Sea
(n) biopsy
(n) (comp) Bi-CMOS