(n) (uk) Chinese windmill palm (Trachycarpus fortunei)
Chusan palm
hemp palm
(n) show
(n) show
(n) (1) SL lat
(2) Syrah
(n) (uk) shirasu (white pumiceous soil of southern Kyushu)
(n) (uk) Veitch's silver fir (Abies veitchii)
(n) silane
(n) Syria
(n) silica
(n) silk
(n) silt
(n) sylph
(n) (1) sink
(2) sync (synchronous)
(n) (abbr) synthesizer
(n) (abbr) (Communist, union, etc.) sympathizer
(n) (1) sympathetic
(2) symposium
(adv) thud
(n) (uk) common snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
(n) pond snail (any snail of family Viviparidae)
(n) dash
(n) dalasi
(n) (1) scattering
(2) (uk) leaflets
(n) design (fre: dessiner)
(n) (abbr) crepe de Chine
(n) running-in
breaking in (e.g. engine, etc.)
(n) (uk) Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii)
(n) hashish
(n) (uk) leaf beetle (of family Chrysomelidae)
(n) (1) hash (e.g. hashed meat)
(2) hash (function)
(v1) (sl) to make do errands
to set to scutwork