(n) sweatsuit
sweat suit
(n) tailored suit
(n) type of standard formal wear worn by students, usu. when going to interviews (wasei: recruit suit)
(n) (comp) ASPI
(n) superimpose
(n) super woofer
(n) super-calender
(n) (comp) super script
(n) superhighway
(n) superhighway
(n) (comp) Super Nintendo (wasei: super fam(ily) com(puter))
(n) supermarket
(n) superrealism
(n) (comp) supervisor call
(n) souvenir shop
(n) dry suit dive
(n) tropical monsoon climate
(n) (comp) supercomputer
(n) superstation
(n) super spreader (carrier of a viral disease who spreads the virus to a large number of other people)
(n) supercharger
(n) Super Tuesday
(n) (comp) supernetting
(n) super high decker
(n) super-heterodyne
(n) dry suit dive
(n) (comp) Super Audio CD
(n) (comp) supercomputer
(n) (comp) information superhighway
(n) (comp) information superhighway