(n) home center
(n) (comp) computer center
(n) (comp) information analysis centre
(n) (comp) service center
(n) support centre (center)
(n) civic center
civic centre
(n) sports center
sports centre
(n) center circle
(n) centrepiece of a table (wasei: table center)
(n) day-care center
(n) day-care center
(n) (comp) design center
(n) (1) business center of a city (centre)
(2) business center of a hotel (providing fax & copy services, etc.)
(n) rehabilitation centre
rehabilitation center
(n) leisure center
(n) (comp) referral centre
(n) emergency and critical care centre (center)
(n) National Cancer Center
(n) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(n) off-site centre (center)
(n) offshore center
offshore centre
(n) culture center
culture centre
(n) center spread
(n) centerfold
(n) center forward
(n) (comp) Data Processing Center
(n) National Center of Trade Unions
(n) machining center
(n) control center
control centre
(n) shopping centre
shopping center