(n) serration
(n) selection
(n) celebrity
(n) cerebroside
(n) selenium rectifier
(n) celeriac
(n) celery seed
(n) celery salt
(n) uraninite
(n) (comp) sensitive
(adj-na) sensual
(n) (comp) sense data
(n) (comp) center node
(n) (comp) center line
(n,vs) centering
(n) (1) (uk) dor beetle (of family Geotrupidae)
(2) Geotrupes laevistriatus (species of dor beetle)
(n) sentiment
(n) (1) century
(2) Centuri
(n) Saint Lucia
(n) centroid
(n) (uk) Leibnitz daisy (Leibnitzia anandria)
(n) Chloranthaceae (plant family)
(n) solar cell
solar battery
(n) special offers available for a limited time of the day (wasei: time sale)
(n) (comp) dynamic set
(n) (comp) chip set
(n) (uk) maidenhair spleenwort (Asplenium trichomanes)
(n) (comp) tool set
(n) tea set
(n) test-set