(n) set scrum
(n) set point (tennis, volley-ball, etc.)
(n) manufacturer of assembled products (wasei: set maker)
(n) set menu
(n) two-piece swimming suit (not bikini style)
(n) Sephardim (Jews of Spanish or Portuguese descent)
(n) cefotaxime
(n) Seven-Eleven
(n) seventeen
seventeen (years old)
(n) semantics
(n) semantic
(n) semiconductor
(n) semifinals
(adj-na,adj-no,n) semiformal
(n) therapy dog
(n) self-image
(n) self-service
(n) self-service gasoline station (wasei: self stand)
self-service petrol station
(n) self-timer
delayed-action (shutter release)
(n) (comp) cellular phone
(n) cellular floor
(n) (comp) cellular modem
(n) (comp) cell loss priority
(n) (comp) selecting
(n) celebrity
(n) cellophane tape
Scotch tape
(n) sensation
(n) (sl) young men with deep tans (or dark makeup) who wear white eyeliner and lipstick
(n) center court
(n) center half