(n) cross-section
(n) cross-license
(n) chloromycetin
(n) griseofulvin
(n) (comp) cable select
(n) flock from a vine-seed weed, used for face powder, and believed to promote desire and happiness
(n) (comp) cold reset
(n) cost saving
(n) (abbr) conceptual art
(n) (comp) concentrator
(n) (comp) service center
(n) psychotherapist
(n) (comp) site license
(n) support centre (center)
(n) (comp) system process
(n) civic center
civic centre
(n) shock theory
(n) sympathetic
(n) jam session
(n) Josephson effect
(n) (comp) Josephson junction
(n) Josephson device
(n) (comp) screen saver
(n) (comp) screen save
(n) store concept
(n) speech therapy
(n) sports center
sports centre
(n) Sabin vaccine (for polio)
(n) safety net
(n) sailing boat