(n) soft shadow
(n) soft drink
(n) (comp) soft hyphen
(n) (comp) soft font
(n) (comp) soft return
(n) sovereign loan
(n) somatostatin
(n) somatotropin
(n) solidarity
(n) solid guitar
(n) solid tire
(n) (comp) solid model
(n) solid resistor
(n) solution (esp. to a problem)
(n) soldering
(n) salty dog
(n) soroptimist
(n) tartar sauce (tartare)
(n) chairperson
(n) thixomolding (plastic and semiconductor industries)
(n) (comp) PC using a TV as a monitor
(n) Dionysus (gre: Dionysos)
(n) Dickinsonia (lat:)
(n) toxoplasma
(n) Thomson's gazelle
(n) nitrosamine
(n) news source
(n) nucleosome
(n) laptop
(n) half-nelson