(n) (comp) hold time
(n) Holstein (cattle type)
(n) maotai (variety of distilled Chinese alcohol)
(n) maotai (variety of distilled Chinese alcohol)
(n) main title
(n) main title
(n) mosaic tile
(n) life-style
(n) radial tire (tyre)
(n) Valentine
(n) (comp) non real time
(n) off the road tire (tyre)
(n) ivy style
(n) (comp) action type
(n) advertising
(n) untied loan
(n) watertight
(n) electrotype
(adj-f) elephantine
(n) old-timer
(n) (comp) quick styles
(n) clinker tile
(n) good timing
(n) console type
(n) cornrow style (hairdo)
(n) prime-time television (wasei: golden time)
(n) (abbr) sabre-toothed tiger (prehistoric feline, Smilodon californicus) (wasei: sabre tiger)
saber-toothed tiger
(n) camouflage clothes (wasei: safari style)
(n) Steiner school
(n) (1) jacket type (e.g. a style of clothing)
(2) jacket-style buoyancy control device (BCD) shaped like a sleeveless coat