(n) fandango (spa:)
(n) belly dance
(n) pedantism (fre:)
(adj-na,n) pedantic
(n) pedantry
(n) pole dance
pole dancing
(n) postmodern
(n) mridangam (double-headed barrel drum of Indian origin) (hin:)
(n) (comp) memory dump
(n) modern art
(n) modern girl (slang circa the 1920s)
(n) modern jazz
(n) modern dance
(n) modern ballet
(n) (arch) modern boy (slang circa the 1920s)
(n) modern life
(n) Morris dance
(n) revue dance performed in a line
line dance
(n) ritardando (ita:)
(n) (comp) change dump
(n) affordance
(n) independents (in the context of art) (fre:)
(n) impedance
(n) impedance
(n) ultramodern
(n) oil damper
(n) oxidant cloud
(n) concordance
(n) contredanse (fre:)
(n) go-go dance