(n) (abbr) Du Pont de Nemours
(n) (comp) Duron
(n) (comp) delurk
(n) uprooted person (fre: dracine)
free spirit
something or someone who has lost (cultural, geographical, family, etc.) roots
(n) delete
(n) derris compound
(n) derrick
(n) (abbr) prostitution (wasei: delivery health)
call girl business
(n) (comp) delimiter
(n) dengue fever
(adj-no) dental
(n) Denver
(n) devil
(n-adv,n-t) today
(n) Tholoide (ger:)
(exp) (slang) ridiculous
obviously wrong
(n) (1) (uk) pink (Dianthus spp., esp. the fringed pink, Dianthus superbus)
(2) (arch) lovable, caressable girl
(adj-na,n) (1) handy
(2) (abbr) handicap
(n) (1) body
(2) buddy
(n) parody
(n) (arch) faith (lat:)
(n) video store
(n) vidicon
(n) brandy
(n,adj-no) person with a lot of experience
old hand
veteran (in a particular field)
(n) payday
(n) testicles (ger: Hoden)
(n) holiday
(n) holiday
(n) (1) body
(2) buddy