(n) phytoncide (anti-microbial compound derived from plants)
(n) phlogiston theory
(n) psilophyte (in palaeobotany) (lat: psilophyton)
(n) Plato's problem
(n) proton magnetometer
(n) honky-tonk
(n) traveling (overnight) bag (from Boston bag)
(n) Channel Tunnel
(n) alkaptonuria
(n) woolly cotton
(n) (comp) automata theory
(n) cotton paper
(ik) (n) baton twirler
(n) (uk) Mortonagrion hirosei (species of damselfly)
(n) piston engine
(n) phenylketon(uria)
(n) mifepristone (abortifacient steroid developed under the name RU-486)
(n) (uk) Calopteryx cornelia (species of damselfly)
(n) Washington Post (newspaper)
(n) Channel Tunnel
(n) phytoplankton
(n) zooplankton
(n) cryoplankton
(n) tunnel diode
(n) Newtonian telescope (having a secondary mirror at 45 degrees, reflecting light into the eyepiece)
(n) Huntington's chorea
(n) beef Wellington
(n) phenylketonuria
(n) Wilton carpet
(n) photon factory