(n) (comp) file handle
(n) layered look
(n) idle capital
(n) altered photograph, usu. with sexual connotations, such as putting someone's face on top of a picture of a nude idol, etc. (wasei: idol collage)
(n) candle service
(n) (comp) content-bundling
(n) Dolby surround
(n) panty girdle
(n) (comp) middle-tower-style PC
(n) (comp) middle range machine
(n) (comp) middle range model
(n) (comp) idle interrupt
(n) candlestick
(n) hip-up girdle
(n) (comp) broadband router
(n) middle management
(n) middle management
(n) (comp) layered routing
(n) California condor (Gymnogyps californianus)
(n) mid-life crisis (wasei: middle-age crisis)
(n) (comp) application-bundling
(n) middle age syndrome
(n) (comp) middle-tower-style computer
(n) (comp) integrated routing
(exp) (comp) to support automatic inbound routing