(n) hang ten (surfing)
(adj-na,n) hungry
(n) Hangul language (improper neologism for the Korean language)
(n) Hanseatic League
(n) (sens) Hansen's disease
(n,vs,adj-no) soldering
(n) (1) hunting
(2) oscillatory behavior of a non-converging feedback loop (behaviour)
(3) (abbr) hunting cap
(adj-na,n) (1) handy
(2) (abbr) handicap
(n) (comp) handoff
(n) handbell
(n) hand log
(n) hamburger (meat, no bun)
Hamburg steak
(n) hammock
(n) gabbro (a type of rock similar to granite)
(n) manhunt
(n) love hunt
(n) right hand drive (of cars, etc.)
(n) left hand drive (of cars, etc.)
(n) air hammer
(n) girl hunt
(n) sleight of hand (magic)
(n) handkerchief
(n,vs,adj-f) (1) hung-up
(2) hang up
(n) handkerchief
(n,adj-no) hands free (e.g, telephone)
(n) (obsc) Hansen's disease
(n) hunting cap
(n) hunting
(n) (uk) tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)
yellow poplar
(n) handout